Published: 2023-01-06

Table of Contents

Mostafa Elshahed

An Investigation into the Effects of Elevated Water Hardness on Channel Catfish Egg Viability

Austin D. Griffin, Jory B. Bartnicki, Douglas L. Zentner, Richard A. Snow

Population Characteristics of Black Bullhead Ameiurus melas in Two Small Oklahoma Close to Home Fishing Ponds

Graham F. Montague, Michael D. Richardson, Olivia Knowles, Shelby E. Jeter, Douglas L. Zentner, Richard A. Snow

Women in Space: From Historical Trend to Future Forecasts

Sheela Duggirala, Hyacinthe Aboudja, Venkata Jaipal Batthula, Michael Howell, Richard S. Segall, Peng-Hung Tsai, Daniel Berleant

Characterization of Mycobacteriophage Fulbright isolated from Oklahoma soil

Charmaine Lopez-Davis, Cameron Kedy, Ahmed K. Ali, Hari Kotturi


Mostafa Elshahed