How Air Traffic Control Intervention Effects Altitude Deviations on Optimized Profile Descent Arrivals

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Donald Eugene Lyle


U.S. National Airspace System modernization began with the publication of the Next Generation Air Transportation System Integrated Plan (NextGen) in 2004 to accommodate forecast air travel demand increases in the United States.  This framework proposed an integrated approach to safety, environmental sustainability, reduced fuel burn, and increased airspace and airport capacity by using automated capabilities.  One of these capabilities, the Optimized Profile Descent (OPD) is an automated procedure created to link the en route phase of flight with the terminal area within the context of NextGen goals.  This type of automated procedure was developed during the NextGen short phase (2004-2012) for both air traffic control and aircraft, but they continue to be used in a non-integrated manner.  It is the confluence of incompatible automated and manual air traffic management techniques that produce a favorable location for an altitude deviation. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of air traffic control intervention on altitude deviations reported during optimized profile descent arrival procedures in the U.S. National Airspace System from January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2018.  Examination of aviation safety reports from this time period showed that air traffic control intervention did effect altitude deviations, specifically in the areas of aircrew error, communication error, and equipment malfunction or limitation.  This analysis also demonstrated the failure of the altitude deviation rate to return to normal historic levels after the introduction of NextGen procedures, making altitude deviation a leading safety indicator for the U.S. National Airspace System.

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Author Biography

Donald Eugene Lyle, Wind Quest Trajectories LLC

U.S. FAR 121 major airline Captain. Retired U.S. Navy F-14A Radar Intercept Officer. More than 35 years as a professional aviator, 26000 hours total flight time, 4 type ratings. PhD in Aviation Science from Saint Louis University. Desire to teach aviation at the collegiate level in retirement.


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