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Ley, Stephen, Utah Valley University
Ley, Stephen, Utah Valley University School of Aviation Sciences
Li, Suling, Lewis University
Li , Tianhua , Florida Institute of Technology
Liberto, Joe, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Lindseth, Paul D., University of North Dakota
Liu, Dahai, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Lofaro, Ronald John, Federal A via tion Administration
Loffi, Jon M., Oklahoma State University
Lombardo, David A., Bowling Green State University
Long, Thomas, Central Washington University
Long, Thomas, Central Washington University
Long, Thomas, Kent State University
Lopez, Guillermina, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Lu, Chien-tsung, Purdue University
Lu, Chien-Tsung, Purdue University
Lubner, Maxine E., Vaughn College
Luedtke, Jacqueline, Utah State University
Lundin, Michael, Central Washington University
Lussier, Virginia Lee, Saint Louis University
Lutte, Rebecca K., University of Nebraska at Omaha
Lutte, Rebecca K., University of Nebraska at Omaha (United States)
Lutte, Rebecca K., University of Nebraska at Omaha Aviation Institute
Lyle, Donald, Wind Quest Trajectories LLC
Lyle, Donald Eugene, Wind Quest Trajectories LLC

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