Unveiling the narrative around pilot mental health and aviation - A content analysis of FAA and mental health-related social media content

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Austin Walden
Jana Thomas


This study investigates the content on social media platforms surrounding pilot mental health and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) medical certification process. Utilizing Meltwater, a media monitoring and analysis tool, nearly 12,500 social media posts on platforms like Reddit and X (formerly Twitter) were analyzed to identify key themes and sentiments expressed by current and aspiring pilots. Findings reveal significant concerns about the FAA's mental health regulations, with many pilots expressing fear of career repercussions and reluctance to seek necessary mental health care. The study also highlights the importance of social media as a platform for pilots to anonymously voice their frustrations and seek support. The research ultimately advocates for enhanced FAA communication, education, and support resources that align with pilot needs and concerns, as well as encourages more open discussions about mental health within the aviation industry. 

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Peer-Reviewed Articles


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