Effect of Integrated Method of Flight Instruction on Student Pilot Performance

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Timothy Sweeney
Jacob Welch
Bill Deng Pan
Dahai Liu


With the prevailing use of integrated cockpit displays in flight training, flight students have shown to have difficulty controlling the aircraft and maintaining situational awareness. The integrated method of flight instruction is a proven tool to help transfer the skills necessary from visual to instrument flying, but it may also distract the student and lead to the formation of dangerous habits. This research study looked at whether the integrated method of flight instruction helps or hinders a student at the beginning of flight training. A quantitative experimental research design was used to measure situational awareness, reaction time to a traffic conflict, and ability to maintain the altitude and heading of participants instructed with visual and instrumental cues. Participant scores were analyzed using independent samples t-tests to measure the expected results that students exposed to visual and instrumental cues have significantly different scores. The results showed that participants instructed with visual cues had a significantly higher level of situational awareness in the subcategory of orientation, an overall higher level of situational awareness, and a quicker reaction time to a potential mid-air collision. The results showed that the very onset of training may not be the appropriate time to introduce instrumental cues.

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