Re-Imagining STEM-Based Aviation Education Through Alternative Knowledge Creation

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Shannon McLoughlin Morrison


Boeing's workforce study suggests that the aviation industry is going to need over two million more people in the role of pilots, technicians, and cabin crew. Yet, according to the Federal Aviation Administration Civil Airmen Statistics, the number of women who hold the certificate required to fly for a major airline is still just above 4%. These two challenges, a potential shortage in individuals pursuing aviation careers and an industry that struggles to attract and retain underrepresented individuals, have the potential to be addressed if we re-imagine collegiate aviation education. This peer-reviewed practice article leverages a case study performed by Morrison and McNair (2023) to suggest new pedagogical strategies that would support the recruitment and retention of minoritized students to the industry. This analysis of the case study is supported by existing research into why the aviation industry continues to struggle to become more socially just and equitable and how collegiate aviation education is positioned to respond to that struggle.

Article Details

Position Papers
Author Biography

Shannon McLoughlin Morrison, The Ohio State University

Shannon McLoughlin Morrison, PhD is the Assistant Director, Academics and Program Assessment at The Ohio State Universty Center for Aviation Studies. She has multiple graduate degrees in public policy, education, and women's studies. Her doctoral degree was in Educational Philosophy. She is also the Diversity Coordinator and manages the Global Conference on Diversity in Aviation, Aerospace, and STEM.


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