Exploring the State of SMS Implementation at Airports

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Pratik Jadhav
Damon Lercel
Sarah Hubbard
Stewart Schreckengast


Safety Management Systems (SMS) in the aviation industry are an increasingly important aspect of identifying hazards and managing the associated risks. While SMS has become commonplace and is often a regulatory requirement for air carriers, it remains voluntary for many other aviation service providers, such as airports. Over the past decade, commercial Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations near airports have significantly increased along with the development of Advanced Air Mobility operations. Airports face new and emerging safety challenges. However, safety is a precursor for public acceptance and proliferation of these next-generation aviation technologies. Safety practitioners consider SMS a key enabler in ensuring the safety of the National Airspace System and may assist airports in addressing these emerging hazards and risks. This research explored the current state of SMS at airports and their incorporation of UAS hazards and risks. This research utilized a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, which included an extensive literature review and a survey of airport stakeholders. Research results suggest a need for further development and adoption of SMS at airports, including further maturation of UAS safety practices along with education and training. This study may assist airport stakeholders and regulators with further developing robust safety and risk management practices that support the safety of the next generation of aviation operations.

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