Exploration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) Applications in Aviation

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Nadine Amin
Tracy L. Yother
Mary E. Johnson
Julia Rayz


As a result of the tremendous boost in computational power, the current prevalence of large bodies of data, and the growing power of data-driven algorithms, natural language processing (NLP) has recently experienced rapid progressions in multitudinous domains, one of which is aviation. In this study, we explore the current standing of NLP in aviation from the perspective of both research and industry. We identify safety reports analyses, aviation maintenance, and air traffic control as the three main focus areas of NLP research in aviation. We also list currently available NLP software and how they have been used in the aviation industry. Finally, we shed a spotlight on some of the existing challenges posed by the aviation domain on standard NLP techniques, discuss the current corresponding research efforts, and put forward our recommended research direction.

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Literature Reviews


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