Teaching Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Aviation Education

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Jorge L. D. Albelo
Nikki O'Toole


Over the last decade, many companies have begun to recognize the value of a diverse workforce, equity within the workforce, and inclusion practices.  Recent global events have pushed the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the aviation workplace and education higher on the priority list for many.  Unfortunately, the aviation industry continues to have difficulty in attracting and retaining a diverse workforce.  Notwithstanding this struggle in the industry, those in education must find ways to educate our students on topics relating to DEI.  It is critically important that this training is rooted in research.  The aviation industry is starting to see increased research initiatives to promote DEI among all generations.  However, integrating DEI in the aviation classroom can be challenging, as many faculty members might not feel comfortable addressing the topic in relation to their courses.  Therefore, this research focused on inclusive teaching and dynamic lecture strategies that will enable educators to reflect on critical consciousness, be mindful of implicit bias, and handle resistance while fostering a safe space.

Article Details

Author Biography

Jorge L. D. Albelo, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Assistant Professor

Aeronautical Science, College of Aviation

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


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