Aviation in the Ville: Promoting Science and Civic Engagement through Aviation

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Nithil Kumar Bollock
Stephen M. Belt


Aviation in the Ville is an ongoing collaborative series of activities designed to promote diversity in aviation by introducing aviation topics to the youth of an underrepresented neighborhood and proving discipline-specific service learning opportunities to aviation undergraduate students. Situated in three interrelated settings: in-school, after school, and over the summer, this paper focuses on the initial analysis of data collected during the 2018 summer camp. Utilizing a qualitative, participatory action research model, and drawing on the Harvard Family Research Project out-of-school performance measures, a number of themes emerged which seem to support the effort.

Keywords: aviation outreach, diversity in aviation, minority in aviation, participatory action, qualitative research 

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Author Biographies

Nithil Kumar Bollock, Saint Louis University

Completed Masters in Aviation Safety, University of Central Missouri.

Pursuing Ph.D. in Aviation Science

Graduate and Research Assistant,

Parks College of Engineering, Aviation, and Technology

Department of Aviation Science, Saint Louis University

Stephen M. Belt, Saint Louis University

Assistant Professor

Parks College of Engineering, Aviation, and Technology

Department of Aviation Science

Education: Ph.D. Higher Education Administration, Saint Louis University


Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design : choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c2007.

Harvard Family Research Project, C. M. (2004). Performance Measures in Out-of-School Time Evaluation. Out-of-School Time Evaluation Snapshot, Number 3. Harvard University Harvard Family Research Project.