Foundations of Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) Training

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T. L. Sams


Objectives: To provide an analysis of the foundations of cockpit resource management (CRM) for the scientific, academic, and aviation training communities through a review of CRM history, literature, and research.

Scope: This study provides a summary of what cockpit resource management (CRM) is, what its originare are, a review of contemporary research in its various components, and recommendations for selection and training to meet the objectives of improved cockpit management. It contains views on crew member skills, roles, behaviors and available resources commonly included in the analysis of CRM.

Findings: Out of the review of literature and survey activities related to this study, a descriptive analysis of CRM was constructed. This included a history of CRM development, a summary of CRM research, and an account of  CRM training issues. Lack of institutional priority and absence of governmental support for funding the production of CRM training media are cited as the most important areas of concern.

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