Evaluation and Action: Sustaining Excellence in Collegiate Aviation Distance Education

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Nanette M. Scarpellini
Brent D. Bowen


This study assesses the role of the evaluation process in sustaining and developing quality distance education programs in collegiate aviation. Distance education encompasses distance learning and distributive learning as well as e-learning and multiple method crossover delivery that includes some form of electronic delivery. The research explores the sanctioned position of evaluation procedures and their practical application in the outcomes assessment process within collegiate aviation distance education programs as compared to traditional delivery methods. Additionally, the study investigates the criteria for determining outcomes assessment based on establishing methods for interpolating contact hours, applied testing, and gauging learning. The methodological approach includes a literature review and a survey instrument implemented by semi-structured phone interviews. The gathered data are based on a review of accredited graduate and undergraduate collegiate aviation distance programs. The findings demonstrate that evaluation is an underutilized method for sustaining and ensuring a high-level academic product is delivered via distance education. The lack of consistent terminology for classifying and measuring distance education, and more specifically, the meaning of quality, further complicate this. Further research is recommended in order to reach a consensus on defining vocabulary of distance education elements and the role and application of evaluation. Additionally, the recommendations provide guidance in modifying the curriculum for achieving consistent results commensurate with accreditation standards.

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