Identifying Synergistic Relationships of National Aviation (Blue Ribbon) Commission Reports: A Qualitative Data Analysis Application

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Nanette Scarpellini-Metz
Brent D. Bowen


By examining the three Blue Ribbon Commission reports focused on the aerospace industry from 1993-2002, the purpose of this paper was to identify significant synergies emerging in the aerospace industry as identified by the commissions’ shared aims. A content analysis of the commission reports’ recommendations revealed fundamental issues that continue to persist even though they have been recognized as problems. The analysis used a combination of concepts and phrases to link the reports together. The research revealed how the aerospace industry has changed during the time periods examined by these commissions as it resonated in the types of recommendations and associated language used in the reports. The analysis revealed three common areas of concern: modernizing the Federal Aviation Administration, forming partnerships between business and government, and investing in longterm research and development. A fourth area emerged in the 1997 and 2002 reports—developing core infrastructure for the safety and security of the entire nation, not just the passengers. Based on the dynamic trends identified in the analysis of the three reports, this study advocates a selective pattern of future policy action based on the Blue Ribbon Commissions’ recommendations.

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