Factors That Influence an Undergraduate Student to Choose a Career in Aviation, and Enroll in the Aviation Science Program at Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology

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Richard Steckel
Damon Lercel
Hisako Matsuo


A study was conducted in the Aviation Science Department, Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology, Saint Louis University, to determine the factors that influence undergraduate students to choose aviation as a career field and Parks College as their choice for their aviation education. This information was gathered to assist Parks College in determining the most effective measures to recruit and retain undergraduate students and what other measures might be considered to improve a student's educational experience at Parks. A paper survey instrument consisting of eight pertinent demographic questions, 67 Likert scale questions, and five open-ended questions were given to a convenience sample of four aviation science classes: one freshman class, one sophomore class, one junior class, and one senior class. The survey population consisted of undergraduate aviation science and aviation management majors. The results of the survey and conclusions are discussed.

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