The Detection and Minimization of Cheating During Concurrent Online Assessments Using Statistical Methods

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John H. Mott


As distance learning programs in aviation continue to evolve, a natural step in the progression is the fully online assessment of distance students. In some cases, those assessments must occur in synchronous delivery systems, where distance students view lectures and/or take online examinations concurrently. Among the questions that arise in the mind of the aviation educator in such cases are those of how to determine the magnitude of academic dishonesty occurring during concurrent assessments and how to minimize the opportunities of students being assessed to participate in such dishonesty. The author has developed a statistical algorithm to allow the use of common software to detect instances where students pass answers between themselves through various means in order to improve their assessment scores. A study conducted over a period of two semesters during the 2009 – 2010 academic year in two of the author’s distance learning classes indicates the validity of both the algorithm and the methods used to minimize the occurrences of dishonesty.

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