Pathways to Retention for Women in Aviation Education

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Samantha Bowyer
Jorge Albelo
Mike Wiggins


Although there have been strides in aviation, women continue to be underrepresented, especially in pilot roles.  To address this gap, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University launched the Women’s Ambassador Mentoring Program (WAMP) to improve female students' recruitment and retention in aeronautical science programs.  However, there are ongoing concerns that limited support structures may hinder progress.  Our line of research uses a transformative mixed-method approach, integrating quantitative data and qualitative feedback from students involved in the program.  It evaluates trends in female aviation student enrollment alongside the growth of certified female pilots, focusing on the university’s female enrollment and retention rates over time.  The findings underscore the critical role of a supportive environment, highlighting how connection and positive mentorship can help current and future women pilots thrive in the aviation field.

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