Eagles Flight: A Curriculum Blend of Aviation, Engineering, and Industry Standards

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Leila Halawi
Marwa El Sayed
Mark Miller
Sophia White
Shreya Sapkota Dhakal


The work presented herein represents an ongoing study examining integrating industry standards into aviation and engineering curricula. Our goal is to provide insights into enhancing student preparedness for professional careers in aviation and engineering by analyzing the challenges and best practices in curriculum development. This National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-funded project aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry. The research investigates the implementation of standards such as AS9100, ISO 31000, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ASHRAE 62.1 into three undergraduate and graduate engineering and aviation/aerospace courses. In this scholarly context, we investigate the preliminary developments and articulate the existing data-gathering techniques utilized in the pioneering aviation course initiated on August 24th, 2024, consisting of two sections with an aggregate of 50 students. Future work shall integrate initial findings obtained from a collection of surveys designed to assess the effectiveness of the standards-integrated curriculum related to the introductory module.

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Author Biography

Leila Halawi, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr. Leila Halawi is a tenured associate professor and research coordinator with the College of Aviation, Department of Graduate Studies, Worldwide Campus. Dr. Halawi served as the Program Chair for the Master of Science in Aviation and Aerospace Sustainability (AASI) program and the Graduate Certificate in Aviation and Aerospace Sustainability, the Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MMIS) Program Chair, MIS Discipline Chair, Chair of the Research Committee for the Senate, and the Director of Research for the College of Business.

She developed the MMIS curriculum. She also started Alliances with SAS®, Tableau, and Microsoft. The Partnership with SAS resulted in a joint Business Intelligence and Analytics specialization certificate. She holds a Certification from Sloan C Consortium in Online Teaching and a certificate from Quality Matters on Applying the QM Rubrics (APPQMR). She is a Certified DACUM facilitator and coordinator.



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