Quantum Theory Media Research: II. Intentionality and Acculturation

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William Stephenson


The undefined theory for subjectivity elaborated in Part 1 (Stephenson,
1995-1996) is substantiated with illustrations in this paper, in
reference to Danish media research. Quantumized operant factors in Q
methodology incorporate intentionally in relation to culture formation,
thereby revealing how action implicates culture, as evidenced in
Eisenhower's unwillingness to use the atomic bomb (conscience), Freeman
Dyson's principle of "live and let live" (hope), and the idealism of
Rodo's Ariel as expressed in the policies of Costa Rica's Oscar Arias. A
summary is provided of a theory of intentionalities (which presage, but
do not predict subsequent events), which is rendered credible in terms
of additional illustrations concerning public libraries, public health,
and science journalism. Conclusions are reached regarding affinities
between Q methodology and reception analysis in Danish media research.

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How to Cite
Stephenson, W. (1998). Quantum Theory Media Research: II. Intentionality and Acculturation. Operant Subjectivity, 21(3/4). Retrieved from https://ojs.library.okstate.edu/osu/index.php/osub/article/view/8969