Two Sciences.... Part I: The Epistemology of Object/Subject Inter-Dependence

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Mike Knight
Gabriel Rupp


William James created a revolutionary new worldview that Niels Bohr called simply, complementarity (Folse 1985; Stapp 1993). What is complementarity? It is not a principle and not a theory, but a conceptual framework where our position as observers accommodates descriptions of phenomena as mutually exclusive and inter-dependent. Just as light is neither and both a wave and a particle, thought is neither transitive norsubstantive, and both. So too are object and subject, and it is our intent here to explore this particular, mutually exclusive, interdependent duality in relation to what Bohr called the two basic sciences - physics and psychology.

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How to Cite
Knight, M., & Rupp, G. (1999). Two Sciences. Part I: The Epistemology of Object/Subject Inter-Dependence. Operant Subjectivity, 22(3). Retrieved from