General Information

Oklahoma Politics is a fully peer-reviewed journal. Each submission receives at least three anonymous reviews and each is reviewed by the editors before a decision is made to accept a manuscript for publication.

Manuscripts for Oklahoma Politics should be submitted via email to Erick Ananga (Editor) at

Book Reviews are also welcome if the book relates to Oklahoma either narrowly or broadly. Please email your review to Christine Pappas (Book Review Editor) at


Manuscripts should be no longer than 30 pages or more than 9,000 words, double-spaced; text, graphics, notes, and references included; no extra space between paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs. Type font: Times New Roman; 12 point. Notes should be footnotes, not endnotes, and references should be the last part of the manuscript. Graphics (tables and figures count 300 words) submitted separately, one per page, with internal reference indicating the approximate placement in the body of the text (i.e.: “[Table 1 about here]”). Tables/figures must not be larger than a single page.

Reference and Note Style

Manuscripts and book reviews must follow the APSA Chicago Manual of Style or Style Manual of Political Science. These format and citation styles can be found in the journals of the American Political Science Association: American Political Science Review, Perspectives on Politics, and PS: Political Science & Politics.

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts must contain a cover page with title, author, and author affiliation and contact information; a separate cover page with title only; an abstract of no more than 150 words and the text of the manuscript. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication must submit a short biographical sketch for inclusion in the journal.

Book Reviews

Book reviews should be no longer than 1500 words. Reviews should be of books on topics relevant to the journal as delineated in the Submission Guidelines. Review style should follow that of the journal as a whole. Full bibliographic information should be included as the lead to the review.