Flying the Invisible Jet; A Dream Come True

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Victoria Dunbar


A little girl dreams of flying a jet, but as each year passes the dream seems unrealistic and out of reach. When she is old enough, she becomes a flight attendant. It is then she learns that being a pilot is not just for men in the military, and that it is an attainable goal for anyone that sets their mind to it. With the encouragement of several airline pilots and her parents, she realizes her dream of becoming a pilot. In aviation, timing is everything. Through a series of events, she becomes a flight instructor, an FBO and Flight School Manager, and a professor at several different universities. Along the way, she earned a doctorate in Aviation. She had a very successful career in academia but still had that nagging desire to fly a jet. Finally, 20 years after her first flight lesson, she got a job flying a jet for an airline. This is the story of her aviation journey.

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