Published: 2013-05-13

Nursing in trouble: Burnout leads to negligence

Genevieve M. Clavruel RN, MPA, Sue Caviness PhD

121-131, 136

Activists for and against the Equal Rights Amendment

Edgar L. Webster, George Baldwin, Stella P. Hughes

132-135, 136

Comparing U.S. students in a U. S. & A. Mexican medical school

Nacy Moore Clatworthy, Thomas C. Krueger M.D.


Access to territory and etiology of prison riots

Paul M. Sharp, Barry Hancock, Max Portey


How women survive in non-traditional occupations

Jeffery W. Riemer, Lois M. Bridwell

153-158, 226

The realization of values

Roy G. Francis


Self Definition and Marijuana Intoxication

Gay Young, Louis Zurcher, Richard Fowler

The rhetoric of aerobics: Physical fitness as religion

Charles Edgely, Betty Edgely, Ronny Turner

187-191, 196

A sociological analysis of pumping iron

William E. Thompson, Jeffery H. Bair


Substantiated reports of child abuse and neglect

Leo C. Downing, Jack E. Bynum

197-201, 206

Author index

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