The Convergence of William Stephenson's and Marshal McLuhan's Communication Theories

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Paul Grosswiler


This essay develops the thesis that the communication theories of William
Stephenson and Marshall McLuhan share a set of core concepts. These
central issues will be compared in order that each of these iconoclastic
theorist's ideas can be seen as enriching those of the other. These
four areas will be discussed: 1) exploration and facts; 2) the self and
medium; 3) quantum-theory, complementarity, and transitive and
substantive thought; 4) communication pleasure and play in the
communication process. Probing Stephenson's clarion call for Q
methodology as the new methodology for McLuhan's new epistemology, this
paper searches for the underpinnings of that convergence in
communication theory.

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How to Cite
Grosswiler, P. (1994). The Convergence of William Stephenson’s and Marshal McLuhan’s Communication Theories. Operant Subjectivity, 17(3/4). Retrieved from