Quantum Theory Media Research: I. Reception Analysis

Main Article Content

William Stephenson


Q methodology, with it foundation in quantum theory, it applied to
reception analysis as it has taken form in Danish communication studies.
The mathematical similarity between factor analysis and quantum
mechanics is illustrated, following by introduction of postulates
required for the quantification of all psychological experience - of
self-reference, concourse, and communicability (not consciousness).
Measurement (Q technique) provides for the quantization of psychological
events (as defined by Kantor), and is illustrated in a study of a
single person watching the TV show Dynasty. The resulting Q factors are
subject to the principle of complementarity introduced by Niels Bohr,
whose epistemology is integral to language and subjectivity as well as
physics. The general system which is advanced is self-contained and
provides the kind of theoretical unity for which Danish reception
analysis is searching. The range of phenomena to which it applies is to
be provided in Part II.

Article Details

How to Cite
Stephenson, W. (1995). Quantum Theory Media Research: I. Reception Analysis. Operant Subjectivity, 19(1/2). Retrieved from https://ojs.library.okstate.edu/osu/index.php/osub/article/view/8995