Post-Verdict Attitudes Toward The O.J. Simpson Murder Trial: The LSU Study

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Judith L. Sylvester


Were the reactions to the O.J. Simpson murder trial verdict as deeply split
along racial lines as reported by local and national news media, or were
such reports exaggerated? That was the question that motivated this
study of students and townspeople in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Three
viewpoints about the trial and its media emerged. All three typologies
converged on the point that Simpson's status played a key part in
prolonging the trial and encouraging media attention. They also
concurred that, to some extent, society is unjust and racist. Two types
were critical of media coverage. African Americans overall were very
critical of the media, but more for reasons racial than journalistic.
Both those who had not followed the trial and those who watched almost
daily tended to believe in Simpson's guilt, leading to the conclusion
that race played a larger part than trial knowledge in forming the
attitude that he was innocent, or at least that his guilt was not

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How to Cite
Sylvester, J. L. (2024). Post-Verdict Attitudes Toward The O.J. Simpson Murder Trial: The LSU Study. Operant Subjectivity, 19(3/4). Retrieved from