Political Involvement: Characteristics and Categories

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Stacey F. Kaniham
Dennis F. Kinsey


Political involvement is conceptualized as an orientation toward a political
situation that distinguishes qualitative differences in message
processing. This stands in contrast to traditional conceptions of
political involvement, which describe deep-seated individual traits that
differ little over time. Three categories of situational political
involvement are proposed (active involvement, passive involvement, and
uninvolved) and accompanying communication patters are examined with a
52-item Q sample during the 1994 California gubernatorial campaign. The
actively involved category indicated different communication behaviors
than the passively involved - and especially the uninvolved. The most
important behaviour distinguishing the actively involved was
interpersonal communication - talking about politics.

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How to Cite
Kaniham, S. F., & Kinsey, D. F. (1997). Political Involvement: Characteristics and Categories. Operant Subjectivity, 20(3/4). Retrieved from https://ojs.library.okstate.edu/osu/index.php/osub/article/view/8980