Q Methodology and "Going Critical": Some Reflections on the British Dialect

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Rex Stainton Rogers


In seeking to explain what Q methodology has made possible for those of us
working within a critical "climate of perturbation" framework, we have
employed the device of inventing a "British dialect of Q." While I would
still hold to the argument that there is something distinct about our
approach, that distinctiveness really requires a more encompassing tag
than might be taken from the anodyne term "dialect." My ambition in this
paper is to spell out our position (and mine within that) and to leave
readers to make up their own minds as to whether we are; still operating
in the Q-methodology community; schismatics; or, even, heretics.

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How to Cite
Rogers, R. S. (1997). Q Methodology and "Going Critical": Some Reflections on the British Dialect. Operant Subjectivity, 21(1/2). Retrieved from https://ojs.library.okstate.edu/osu/index.php/osub/article/view/8974