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Luciani, Johnelle, Salve Regina University
Luedtke, Jacqueline, Utah State University
Lunberg, Isabel, Fash ion I nsti t·ute of Technology
Lundahl, Craig R., Western New Mexico University
Lundgren, Terry D, Eastern New Mexico University
Lundin, Michael, Central Washington University
Lupei, Roger
Lussier, Virginia Lee, Saint Louis University
Lutte, Becky, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Lutte, Rebecca K., University of Nebraska at Omaha Aviation Institute
Lutte, Rebecca K., University of Nebraska at Omaha
Lutte, Rebecca K., University of Nebraska at Omaha
Lyle, Donald, Wind Quest Trajectories LLC
Lyle, Donald Eugene, Wind Quest Trajectories LLC
Lynch, Dustin T., University of Arkansas
Lynch, Jena, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Lynxwiler, John, The University of Central Florida
Lyon, Brandon S., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Lyons, Matthew T., Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
Lyons, Tim, Oklahoma State University

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