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Deignan, Tim
Dekock, Cordon, Oklahoma State University
Del Castillo, David Armando, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Delacerda, Melissa
Delashaw, Corie, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Delprato, Dennis J.
Demattio, Deanna, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
DeMik, Randal J., Lewis University
DeMik, Randal J., Indiana State University (United States)
Demirdoken, Gokhan, National Defense University
Demirel, Emre, Hacettepe University
Dennis, Karen E.
Depperschmidt, Chad, Oklahoma State University
Depperschmidt, Chad, Oklahoma State University
Depperschmidt, Chad L., Oklahoma State University
Depperschmidt, Chad L., Oklahoma State University (United States)
Deshong, Richard Todd
DeVore-Wedding, Beverly
DeVries, Richard N, Oklahoma State University
Dew, Jovette
Dewers, Thomas A, University of OKlahoma
Di Renzo, John C., Joint Interagency Task Force-South, US Southern Command
Dickinson, John K., University of Massachusetts, Boston
Dicks, Henry, University Jean Moulin Lyon
Dillman, Brian, Purdue University

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