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The following list of native and cultivated plants is arranged according to the first recorded date of blooming for each species as observed in Oklahoma County or any of the counties contiguous to it. Most of the records are from Norman in Cleveland County, with a few from Oklahoma City in Oklahoma County and Shawnee in Pottawatomie County.
Where more than one has been recorded, the average is given as the arithmetic average of the dates.
Dates of observations of plants which had attained full bloom, where known, have been eliminated, except where they were the earliest recorded dates for the species. Such dates have been starred (*) in the list.
A plant is considered in bloom when as many as one flower is open and having either stamens shedding pollen or the stigma ready to receive pollen, as indicated by pollen grains adhering to it or the obviously mature condition of the stigma. Exceptionally early bloomings within the shelter of buildings or other barriers are included, but those resulting from artificial heat have been eliminated.
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Articles (c) The Authors
Journal compilation (c) Oklahoma Native Plant Society
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