Published: 2013-05-13

Alienation among Vietnamese students in the United States

Rommel Benjamin, Thanh Van Tran, Mary E Banjamin


Alienation and negative voting on a school levy

Dwight D. Dean, Albert Y. Jordon Woods


Rationalization and antique collecting

William A. Pearman, John Schnable, Aida K. Tomeh


Why nursing is not a profession

Muriel Faltz Lembright

59-60, 64

Television and family interaction

Anthony B. Schroeder, Billy R. Brocato


Seeking the alcoholic personality: Road to nowhere

Charles M. Unkovic, Linda M. Schell

65-67, 72

The process of lesbian identification

Sherry L. Corbett, Karla D. Morgan


The double alcoholic marriage

Gloria K. Irrgang, Charles M. Unkovic

89-94, 100

Adorno’s culture industry and esthetic theory

Jeffry L. Crane, Fabio B. Dasliva


Television and Family Interaction

Anthony Schroeder, Billy Brocato