Participation of Latino community-based organizations in RWCA process: A study of two metropolitan areas

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Hortensia Amaro
Jean McGuire
Carol Hardy-Fanta
Gloria Weissman


This study examines implementation of the Ryan White CARE Act (RWCA) in two Title I jurisdictions in order to better understand the participation of the Latino community in the Planning Council decision-making and allocation processes. Data were obtained from two Eligible Metropolitan Areas (EMAs) through surveys and a total of 27 in-depth, in-person interviews with executive directors and HIV/AIDS service staff from 14 Latino community­based organizations, Planning Council Chairs, RWCA Title I Administrators, and HRSA Pro­ject Officers. Results provide insight into the factors that facilitate or hinder effective par­ticipation of the Latino community in the RWCA process and highlight the need for support in the building of infrastructure and capacity within Latino agencies. This analysis also con­tributes to the growing literature addressing the processes of coalition-building.

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