The health and social consequences of methamphetamine use among young adults

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Ira Sommers
Deborah Baskin


The current research analyzed the relationship between methamphetamine use and health and social outcomes. Interviews were conducted with a sample of 106 respondents. Virtually all of the respondents experienced negative consequences of methamphetamine use. The most serious, but least prevalent, methamphetamine-related heal th problems were seizures and convulsions. The most prevalent health effect was weight loss. A substantial number of respondents experienced severe psychological symptoms: depression, hallucinations, and paranoia. Of the I 06 respondents, 34.9 percent had committed violence while under the influence of methamphetamine. The data suggest that methamphetamine-based violence was more likely to occur within private domestic contexts, both family and acquaintance relationships. It is apparent from the findings that methamphetamine use heightens the risk for negative health, psychological, and social outcomes. Having said this, it is crucial to acknowledge that there was no evidence of a single, uniform career path that all chronic methamphetamine users follow. Furthermore, a significant number of sample members experienced limited or no serious social, psychological, or physical dysfunction as a result of their methamphetamine use.

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