Developing a field-intensive methodology for generating a randomized sample for gang research

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Zenong Yin
Avelardo Valdez
Alberto G. Mata, jr.
Charles Kaplan


This paper was stimulated by concerns for methodological Issues in gang research the paper describes the strategies in developing a design for drawing a stratified proportional random sample of gang members and goes beyond limited non-probability quota samples. To compare gang members across communities and gang variations first, this paper proposes procedures and techniques for drawing a random sample of gang subjects based on probability proportional to size quota Second, Describes the role of ethnographic field work and social mapping in defining sampling frames. Third, it presents the use of Map info in developing and mapping catchment areas. Fourth, it describes the procedures util1zed 1n generat1ng gang rosters and their role in generating interview sample quotas and finally, it discusses the processes for developing sampling quotas and drawing of the sample.

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